New note publish test
testing it out to see if it works
default template === ok
80s template === yes
Chime === No
Flexoki ??
note icon added and repo changed
New site update. Pls work. yay yay
changed the default base (test branch)
Finally looks like tis working (yay yay)
do i contradict myself?
very well then I contradict myself
( I am large, I contain multitudes)
list 1 | list 2 | list 3 |
item 1 | item 2 | item 3 |
item 4 | item 5 | item 6 |
item 7 | item 8 | item 9 |
new theme added
lets see if this breaks anything. (Last in did)
update - change to domain
Modified template and view.
hopefully this fixed the path error
hello there monkey
test 2
1 2 3 4 put your nuggets on the floor!
once again we change
word up -Cameo
changed property (unchecked box)
and another one
yay yay 2
shiho is my monkey bumhole face!!!
testing again -is everyhting working????
change the folder
edited teh vault path
removed the note from the folderDOES IT FIX anything??
New deployment
and another one!!!
the final countdown!!!! ba na na nah! ba na na nu uh!